.NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server Connection Properties Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to configure the connection to a SQL Server database using the .NET Framework.

General Tab

Use this tab to set the connection properties required for the Microsoft SQL Server.

Field Description
Server Name Use this field to select a server from the drop-down list or enter the location of the server where the database you want to access is located. Click Refresh to refresh the list. to refresh the list.
Log on the server Use this grid to specify server connection information.
  • Use Windows Authentication: Select this option to access the database connection using the login information obtained from the Windows NT network security; thus, you are not required to supply a separate User ID and password.
  • Use SQL Server Authentication: Select this option to set the login information to open the database connection. Selecting this option enables the User name, Password, and Save my password fields.
    • User name: Use this field to enter the User ID to use for authentication when you log onto the connection.
    • Password: Use this field to enter the password to use for authentication when you log onto the connection.
    • Save my password: Select this option to save and encrypt your password so that you do not need to enter the password each time you open the connection.

Connect to a database

Use this grid to specify database connection information.

Field Description
Select or enter a database name Use this field to enter or select the name of the database you want to access.
Attach a database file Use this field to enter or select (using the Browse button) the database file name to attach.
Logical name Use this field to enter the name for the database connection.

Advanced Tab

Use this tab to view and set additional initialization properties for your data. This tab consists of three grids.

Field Description
Property Grid This grid displays all settings available for the connection.
Selected Property Grid This grid displays information about the selected property in the Property grid.
Connection String Grid This grid displays the connection string.

Test Connection

Click this button to attempt a connection to the specified provider.